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L'ITALIANA IN ALGERI, Vienna State Opera, 26 April 2020 - 18:30

Event details

  • Category: Operas
  • Date/Time: 26 April 2020 - 18:30
  • Venue: Vienna State Opera
  • Address: Opernring 2, 1010 Wien / Vienna (Map)
  • Other Dates: Show alternatives


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Act I

Elvira, the wife of Mustafà, Bey of Algeria, mourns her fate: the Bey has rejected her. The chorus of eunuchs, Zulma, her favourite slave, and Haly, captain oft he palace guard, try to comfort her: woman are born to be unhappy. Mustafà has tired of his harem. He orders Haly to find him an Italian girl, should Haly fail, he would be punished by impalement. Lindoro mourns his fate as a slave, longing to see his beloved Isabella again. Mustafà proposes to Lindoro, his favourite Italian slave, to return by the next boat to his homeland, provided he marries the rejected Elvira and takes her with him. Mustafà tries to make Elvira attractive for Lindoro, who sees no way out of this delicate situation. Haly and his men have succeeded in capturing a ship. Among the booty is Isabella, an Italian girl. Isabella comments on the cruelty of her fate to be taken prisoner; she hopes to make the best of the situation. Isabella was searching for he beloved Lindoro. Her companion Taddeo pretends to be her uncle. Taddeo, in Love with Isabella and jealous, makes her a scene. Haly reports to Mustafà the capture of a beautiful Italian girl. Mustafà is beside himself with desire to lay his eyes on the beauty. Elvira and Lidonro accept their fate to sail for Italy together. Isabella instantly succeeds in winning Musatafà´s favour; she also manages to save her „uncle“ Taddeo from impalement.
Als Lindoro, Elvira and Zulma come so say farewell to the Bey, Isabella and Lindoro instatly recognize each other. Total confusion ensues.

Act II

Everyone laughs at Mustafà who has turned into an adoring fool. Mustafà wants to have coffee with Isabella; Elvira is sent to convey the invitation to her. Lindoro ca convince Isabella of his faithfulness. They decide to escape together. Lindoro expresses his joy. To ingratiate himself with Isabella, Mustafà appoints Taddeo „Kaimakan“, protector of the Mussulman. Taddeo is aware of the ridiculous situation but fear of impalement persuades him to accept the „honour“. Isabella makes herself pretty for her beloved. She is observed by Musatafà, Lindoro and Taddeo. Each oft hem thinks Isabella´s efforts are intended for him alone. Mustafà ardently but in vain seeks to be alone with Isabella. Lindoro and Taddeo do not give ground. When Isabella also asks Elvira to join them for a coffee and tries to reconcile her and the Bey, Mustafà completely loses his composure. Haly comments philosophically on the ways of Italian women. Lindoro tells Taddeo of Isabella´s plot to deceive the Bey. Taddeo reveals to him that he is Isabella´s suitor; Lindoro does not take him seriously. Lindoro calms the fuming Bey: as a token of her love, Isabella intends to bestow of Mustafà the Order of Pappataci (Silent Sufferer). Members of this order are leading a life consisting of eating, drinking, and sleeping only. Mustafà is delighted to be taken into the order. Lindoro explains to Taddeo that the plot will lead tot he freeing of all Italian captives. The Italian slaves are ready to follow Isabella´s plan. Lindoro and the slaves are moved by the thought of soon returning to Italy. Taddeo is still at a loss what it is all about. Mustafà is initiated into the order of Pappataci. He swears to obey the rules oft he order: he must not see, he must not hear, all he has to do is eat and drink. Isabella and Lindoro are able to escape without difficulty. Taddeo, at last understanding the situation, followst hem. Too late dors Mustafà realise that he has been duped and he asks his faithful Elvira`s forgveness. All´swell that ends well.

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