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GIULIO CESARE IN EGITTO, Theater an der Wien, 17 December 2021 - 19:00

Event details

  • Category: Operas
  • Date/Time: 17 December 2021 - 19:00
  • Venue: Theater an der Wien
  • Address: Linke Wienzeile 6, 1060 Wien/Vienna (Map)
  • Other Dates: Show alternatives


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Giulio Cesare has defeated his political adversary Pompeo and pursued him as far as Egypt. When Cesare arrives there, accompanied by Pompeo’s wife Cornelia and her son Sesto, the people greet him with rapturous cheers. But he is entering a divided land. Tolomeo and his sister Cleopatra are supposed to rule Egypt together, but both claim the right to rule alone. Tolomeo believes that he will be able to win Rome’s powerful ruler as an ally by presenting him with Pompeo’s severed head. The fleeing Pompeo, hoping for sanctuary, immediately fell victim to Tolomeo’s lust for power. But the gift fails to have the desired effect: Cesare is disgusted, and Cornelia and Sesto demand revenge. Meanwhile, Tolomeo’s scheming adviser Achilla has fallen in love with Cornelia and is devising sinister plans to make her his. Cleopatra also tries to use Cesare for her own ends, but she exploits her beauty: disguised as “Lydia” and pretending to be harassed by Tolomeo she appeals to Cesare’s protective instinct. She overhears Cornelia and Sesto planning their revenge and gives them access to Tolomeo. However, their assassination attempt fails and the two of them are arrested. Achilla says that he will release Cornelia and Sesto if Cornelia surrenders to him. She refuses. In the meantime, Tolomeo has also lost his heart to Cornelia and wants to have her too. With a stunning performance, Cleopatra completely entrances Cesare: dressed as the personification of virtue she sings him an enchanting love song. The lovers’ meeting between Cesare and “Lydia” is brutally interrupted when Tolomeo and his troops attack Cesare’s army. Outraged, Cleopatra reveals her true identity and that her love for him is now genuine. The astonished Cesare hurries off to battle. Initially, everything seems to go wrong: Cesare is almost caught by his enemies; only a leap into the harbour basin saves him. Cleopatra is taken prisoner and Cornelia is sexually harassed by Tolomeo. But Sesto stabs Tolomeo to death and in mid-battle Achilla changes sides, furious that Tolomeo was not willing to let him have Cornelia. Cesare swims to safety and goes on shore as a hero. He places Cleopatra on the throne as queen and the lovers are cheered by the populace.

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