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Musical: THE SOUND OF MUSIC, Volksoper Vienna, 14 September 2024 - 19:00

Event details

  • Category: Operas
  • Event: Musical: THE SOUND OF MUSIC
  • Date/Time: 14 September 2024 - 19:00
  • Venue: Volksoper Vienna
  • Address: Währingerstrasse 78, A-1090 Wien / Vienna (Map)
  • Other Dates: Show alternatives



The lively abbey novice Maria Rainer is sent to take care of seven children in the home of the widowed Baron von Trapp. The former captain of the war navy raises his children with military discipline and is at first skeptical of Maria’s unorthodox nature. But both he and the children soon grow fond of Maria and she accompanies the Trapp family on their hazardous escape from the Nazis.

Salzburg and the surrounding area, 1938

The young postulant Maria is having difficulty in becoming accustomed to the strict rules of the Benedictine convent at Nonnberg. In order to find out whether a life in the convent is really suited to her, Maria is sent out by the Mother Superior into the everyday world once more, to act as governess to the seven children of the widowed Baron von Trapp, a former naval captain and a highly decorated submarine commander.
Maria quickly forms a relationship with the children, mostly through making music with them. But even the strict, serious Baron quickly falls under the spell of Maria’s high spirits. He leaves his fiancée Elsa Schrader, a wealthy Viennese lady, and marries Maria. However, this private idyll is soon overshadowed by the political situation which develops at the end of the thirties. The Baron refuses to join the National Socialist Party, and he also makes this decision public, and in consequence he and his family come under increasing pressure. Scarcely is the honeymoon over when he receives an unwelcome visit from the naval supreme command in Berlin, instructing him to take over the command of a submarine once more and immediately travel to the naval base at Bremerhaven in order to do so. At the last minute Maria succeeds in delaying the execution of this order: at the instigation of impresario Max Dettweiler, a friend of the family, the entire family has received an invitation to the singing competition at the Salzburg Festival. The Baron is in fact given permission to take part in this competition with his family and to delay his departure by a few days. While the prizes are being presented at the Festival, the von Trapp family manages to escape, first to the convent and then from there over the mountains to Switzerland.

in German language with English surtitles

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